Laos - Simply Beautiful


The heart of Southeast Asia and practically isolated from foreign influence, Laos offers its visitors an unparalleled glimpse into traditional Indochina life. Geographically situated between five neighbouring countries: China on the north of the country, Myanmar (Burma) on the North West, Thailand on the west, Kingdom of Cambodia on the south and Vietnam to its east. The great waters of mightily Mekong River (Nam Khong) runs the entire length of the country, providing fertile flood plains for agriculture while also being the main transportation artery. Laos is a land of stunning natural beauty and has one of the most pristine ecologies in South-East Asia. Steamy rainforests, mystical mountains and glistening rice paddies unite with rich cultural heritage that offers an exotic vacation escape unlike any other. Head off the beaten path and trek through cascading waterfalls and ancient limestone caves stuffed with gold Buddha images, visit colorful hill tribe villages and explore ancient mysterious monuments on the Plain of Jars.

The hospitality of locals with their laid-back attitude and their inviting and welcoming smiles will not leave any visitor un-charm.


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Laos Activities


Train from Vientiane to Luang Prabang

It is now possible to travel by train to Luang Prabang from Vientiane. There are 2 trains every day on this route. Travel time by train from Vientiane to Luang Prabang is about 2 hours and train tickets can be purchased through our office. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Trekking in Laos

Laos is a Southeast Asian country traversed by the Mekong River and known for mountainous terrain, French colonial architecture, hill tribe settlements and Buddhist monasteries. Trekking and hiking is as yet the most effective way to investigate Laos its ethnic variety. Traveling to be sure is the most ideal way to meet individuals, to see their rustic lives and experience how the Laotian public deal with their everyday life. Most places in Laos are far away from current human progress. It implies you additionally turn back the clock! On the off chance that you join our traveling visits you should diminish your necessities and turn on your assumptions.

Royal Palace and National Museum

Set in an open, wonderfully went to plant on Thanon Sisavangvong, one of Luang Prabang's fundamental lanes is where you will find the Royal Palace Museum, which is otherwise called Haw Kham. This was initially the home for the King of Lao. Here you will find out about Lao history and culture. The principal building dates from the mid twentieth Century however many shows stretch back a few centuries to follow the fierce past of the Lane Xang realm and the pilgrim time, through to the current day. The historical center was planned in the French Beaux-Arts style with components of customary Lao culture.

Arts & Crafts

As somewhere else in the locale, Lao specialties arose principally as an outflow of the custom or practical requirements of provincial society, in spite of the fact that state mediation started at an early date with the authorizing of excellent art things for the Lao regal courts and sanctuaries. In checked differentiation to the circumstance in adjoining Việt Nam and Cambodia, the French frontier government put forth little attempt to take advantage of the Lao specialty area for financial purposes. Ruler Phetsarath's School of Arts, which worked somewhere in the range of 1932 and 1936 at Vientiane's Wat Chanthaburi (Wat Chan), was planned basically to increase the expectations of craftsmanship among the Buddhist sangha. In the mean time French exile craftsman Marc Leguay, who opened a confidential workmanship school in the Khong District of Champassak Province in 1940, would seem to have been persuaded by the craving to support native imaginative ability and simultaneously give an extra wellspring of occupation to people around there.

Laos - Beci Ceremony

Ceremony — Baci and su kwan is an important ceremony practiced in Lao culture, Sipsong Panna and Northern and Isan Thai culture.

​Lao people hold a baci to collect good fortune and celebrate life events, such as a wedding or a new baby. Baci ceremonies honor important visitors, gather luck for someone starting a new job, and give a sick person strength to get well again. A funeral baci fortifies a family's luck for the future


What is Laos famous for? Laos is called the “Land of a Million Elephants,” and is famous for its amazing scenery, ethnic villages, and unexplored lands. It is best known for some of Southeast Asia's most spectacular waterfalls, including Tad Fane and Dong Hua Sao.Champasak is a town on the Mekong River, in southern Laos. It’s known as a gateway to Wat Phu, an 11th-century Khmer temple complex with sandstone carvings of Hindu deities. Its spring is said to be sacred. Sculptures from the site are on display at the Wat Phu Museum